Recent Activities -Trip to Peru


Late last year, I went to Peru to buy minerals and to see some of the wonderful sights that Peru is famous for. I was not disappointed. In addition to sourcing some very nice silver minerals, sulphosalts, dioptase and Bolivian minerals, I saw many interesting sights. Have a look

Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu is one of the most popular destinations, in the world, for people interested in ancient civilizations. As I understand it, Machu Picchu is not SO ancient, apparently abandoned just around or a little before Europeans arrived in South America. Over the centuries, the site became overgrown by vegetation so that it was not visible. When discovered and the jungle cleared away, a magnificent, special village was found exhibiting an astounding mastery of stonework. What must it have been like to live up there?

The stone work!
At certain times in their history, the Inca's were amazing stone masons. Look at the way that they fashioned and fit these stones together! Anyone who has worked stone will understand how difficult this is to do!

Stone sundial
This sundial is not just carved from stone, it is carved from the actual outcropping mountain at Machu Picchu! Apparently, this sundial was not to tell the time but was more a seasonal sundial. Great carving!

More Machu Picchu
I guess the thing that I'll remember the best about Peru is Machu Picchu. It is truly an amazing place. Look at the habitations built on this mountain withing view of the main village of Machu Picchu!

Buying Minerals
When I first got to Peru, i went out looking for mineral dealers and minerals with tips from people abroad and a couple of very friendly local geologists. Here I entertained Antonio, a very friendly mineral dealer, in my hotel room.

Lima -City of contrasts
We started our trip to Peru in Lima, I suppose, like most people do. The city is a huge one, a sprawling place with 8 million or so inhabitants. Much of it is crowded and not very attractive. We stayed in Miraflores, a suburb beside the ocean. There are beautiful parks and recreation areas along the waterfront here, and it is a much different feel compared to the walled-in properties throughout the rest of the city. Here you can see the cliffs by the ocean, covered by morning glories. All of the green that you see are morning glory plants with thousands of flowers on them. Gorgeous!

Lima -City of contrasts
Like most people, we started our trip to Peru, in Lima. Lima is a sprawling city of 8million or so people. Much of it is very crowded and noisy. We stayed in Miraflores, a suburb by the ocean, and enjoyed relative peace and quiet and the smell of the salt air. Miraflores, by the ocean, is very beautiful. The seaside is lined with beautiful parks, gardens, shops, sports facilities and restaurants. A great place to walk. Here you can see the cliffs along the ocean, draped with morning glory plants. Gorgeous!

Tough life
Many people in Peru are not well off, according to what we are used to. We saw many people living in places with no water or power. People are very proud, friendly and hard working. I hope the future bodes well for the people of Peru.

Where there is a will...
People are creative in Peru. We saw many innovative ways for people to get around in the most economic manner. These motorcycle taxis were everywhere in certain parts of the country.

We went to visit some ancient ruins north of Lima and passed through some extreme desert terrain. Like most large countries, there are a range of climates. Peru has climates ranging from lush Amazonian jungle to extremely dry desert like this.

A majestic place
I saw some great scenery while in Peru!

Cuzco is the ancient Incan capital of Peru. It has lost its importance now as a capital but is still a bustling place of several hundred thousand people. This buiding in the photo is the cathedral that faces onto the main square in the centre of town. Carol volunteered in Cuzco for two monts. She is a speech therapist and spent time in Cuzco in an effort to assist local speech therapists at the Clinica St. Juan de Dios.

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